Monday, June 1, 2009

Celtic Garden - a conversion

I was asked recently to provide a conversion of Celtic Garden to NPI and Gloriana, and I thought I would share this with you stitchers, in case it was something others were interested in.

Exact conversions are rarely possible, since each dyer has their own unique styles and colours. What I tend to do is match a range, especially on a gradient style piece like this, rather than match colour by colour, so that the conversion colours remain harmonious with each other.

Luteousness - Gloriana Granny Smith Green is a good match. It's a bit lighter though. If you wanted to go darker, you could go with Olive Grove - it's a little bit brown, but it's got a good feel for the style.
Bitterblooms - NPI Brick Range is really good for these. You'll need 4 from light to dark - I'd probably go with 123, 124, 126, 128
Cervezas - I like NPI's Sunflower Gold range for these. 772, 773, 774 and 775.
Fish Peppers - Definitely NPI's Russet Red Range. For the central flower, you'll need six colours, I would use 204 through 209 for these. For the outer flowers, I'd use 204, 205, 207 and 209.
Terra Pottas - I'm going to suggest NPI's Pumpkin Range, in 862, 863, 865 and 866. There really isn't anything exact, and these are bit less brownish, but these will look great with the other colours.
Umbrage - Yellow Ochre 313 has a good feel for this one.

As I always state with any of my designs, my model colours are only a suggestion! I would love to see these stitched in a wide variety of colours of your own choosing.

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